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This Election Day November 5, 2024 - We’re About to Witness History!

Writer's picture: Marabelle BlueMarabelle Blue

Election Day is tomorrow, November 5th.

Since 2016, having lived through the terrible presidency of Donald Trump, we got more than a bird’s eye view of the terrible things he has done with this country, to people and families.

Having lost the presidential election in 2020, our televisions have been cluttered with the constant cries of a “rigged election”, with his costar cronies, like Kari Crazy Lake, Mike Crackhead Lindell, JD Couch Vance, Mike the Dick Johnson, Mark 'Black Nazi' Robinson, Laura Loser Loomer, just to name a few.

Trump has conned his followers to rig elections, and those individuals like Tina Peters from Glendale, California who felt she was protecting the people in her district, was sentenced to 9 years.

And while she cried how she couldn’t go to jail and complaining about how she couldn’t sleep on those cots, where was Trump to save her?

The lowlife MAGA’s leading an insurrection on January 6th, attacking the workers and police who protect the capital because the big babies didn’t get their way where is Trump saving them? Instead, they sit there and play the national anthem praising these losers.

Quite honestly, I hope they continue to rot.

Trump’s followers follow a script. Notice they all spew the same shit acting as if they are “prepared” for questions with answers that don’t make any sense.

Should anyone be surprised?

Jim Jones made sure his followers only followed his “education” and the less tainted they were by society warning them, the more control he had over his followers and look what they got them. A final destination of death.

There was a post on Tiktok where someone made a video on the comparison of Jim Jones and Donald Trump, how Jim Jones enjoyed ensuing chaos but perhaps wasn’t prepared to see what cyanide Kool Aid can do to a human so he took the easy way out and shot himself.

Honestly, if anyone looks at videos of Jim Jones and that last day, he was clearly high on something and that doesn’t excuse what happened because Jim Jones wasn’t high in all of the years, Jim Jones knew exactly what he was doing all those years conning people into believing of a promise land.

If you have experience with a narcissist like I have, narcissistic people ONLY enjoy inducing chaos while leaving you questioning your own existence and reality.

Since Vice President Kamala Harris announced her running for the presidency, there was a resurgence of hope and excitement. Not that anyone wasn’t hopeful with President Biden, I think people were more concerned, those of us who have common sense to not vote for Trump because compared to Biden, why would we still go down that road?

Granted President Biden did not fair well on the debate, I was still going to vote for him regardless, because why would I want to choose someone who is only out for themselves and no one else.

In all of my years of watching politicians and trying to understand how all this shit works, while not being an expert, I’m not stupid enough to praise some asshole who sits there simulating a blow job on a mic, and claiming he was simulating eating a corndog.

A corndog is the same fucking shape, so cut the bullshit.

I think about previous politicians like Ronald Regan. Would he actually stand in front of a group of people and say the things Trump says, spewing madness and hate, while trying to get words out he can’t even pronounce anymore because his brain is deteriorating?

And no this is not a joke, anyone who has seen a person go down a rabbit hole they cannot come back from, is not a person who should be driving a car to go to the supermarket and then forget how to come home.

This is the reality, and it is not a drill.

I will assume Ronald Regan was not a narcissist, therefore, if he felt something was off, I would imagine he would have stepped down.

Donald Trump is a narcissist and probably one of the worst kinds I’ve seen in my lifetime. There are different types of narcissisms and yes, we all can be a little narcissistic, but recognizing empathy, we don’t let our egos get the best of us.

Personally, I’ve come to a point where anyone who endorses this bullshit, I’ve cut them off.

I do not read messages from them; I do not keep them on my social list. Racism is racism and no matter how much my former white friends spin it, please don’t do me any favors by trying to retain a friendship with me.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “when they show you who they are the first time, believe them” and while most people have been good at hiding who they are, sooner or later, it will come out, because they can’t help who they are, especially if one is set in their ways.

For those of us who want to see real change and be a part of that change, vote tomorrow for Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

We may not agree with all of the policies proposed but if you truly want to see change, this is where you can get involved. Learn about the laws in your state and how you can get involved to make changes for the betterment of your city and those around you.

Sitting and stewing in hate and resentment never resolved anything.

As I heard in 12-Step meetings, resentment is like peeing on yourself, you’re the only one feeling it.

Until then. Take care of you!


1 Comment

Truth Teller
Truth Teller
Nov 13, 2024

And sadly we are witnessing the wrong side of history and being I know your site isn’t lame social media I can safely say I hope these motherfuckers die a horrible death. The audacity and the crying of family disowning them. Good. I hope they lose it all. Sorry Marabelle. I was really hoping for the best. This time a real cheat happened with that lame ass Elon behind that shit.

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