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My Personal Journey on Being Sober

Hi Everyone! Welcome to a new Unfiltered Show - The Self Awareness Edition.

Since I speak on so many different topics, I'm doing something a little different where I'm sectioning off different shows in their appropriate compartments.

Today's show, I get a little personal and discuss my bout with alcoholism and being sober. Of course I had to throw Zach Clark under the bus, because of this "know it all" knowledge isn't something that doesn't work in the 12 steps.

While some people may not agree with me, I ask you to listen to this podcast with an open mind and realize "celebrities" do not have any kind of solutions to alcoholism at all. This is a one day at a time program.

If you are struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, please connect your local AA or NA 12 Step Fellowship here or

Remember, there's never a shame to seek help for your addiction.

Support my show anytime, log on to and set up any monthly subscription.

Intro and Outro: FSM Team, "Grove Bakery"


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Thank you for you love and support!


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