The Bachelor – Peter Weber – Week One (Spoilers)
Oh boy, here we go!

The beginning of the Bachelor starts off with scenes of what’s to come for Peter. Seems the end will be just as messy as the beginning.
In the recap, we see him going through the motions of the love lost with Hannah and what he took from that. However, what I find strange is the scene of his mother crying, from what seems like hometown dates where she is begging her son to “bring her home to us”.
Must be some kind of a connection for his mom to be hysterical crying and making such requests.
In the meantime, we meet the women who are vying for Peter’s heart and let me tell you, most of these women are absolutely disgusting. Most of them already sticking their tongues down his throat, using sex as their guide to find love, when we all know (the woman and men are smart enough to know) that sex and love are two entirely different emotions. One is instant gratification, while the other last forever, or we hope it does.
As we all know what makes the editing, we meet Alexa who’s an esthetician , Hannah Ann who’s a model, Tammy, who’s a real estate agent and house flipper, and super full of herself too, obviously convinced Peter is the one for her.
Victoria P is a nurse, and filled with lots of drama. Her and her sister lost their dad at a young age, her mom is now a recovering addict and apparently has rebuilt her relationship with her mom and whoa the tears.
Kelley, the attorney, works with her family, but….also had met Peter a month before, the “deep dark secret”. She apparently met him while she was at a wedding and he was at his ten year reunion. What else happened, time will tell.
Madison who’s a sportster ends up getting a one on one date and was invited to his parents renewal vows ceremony.
Maurissa, a patient care coordinator for plastic surgeons, was sent home, was a pageant winner but blogs who made fun of her body, caused her to go into a depression, where she had gained weight, however eventually lost it.
So we are seeing some strong personalities here, so far, over the top women, comparing themselves to Hannah, throwing shade at Hannah as one came in wearing a windmill, one came in on a paper lifelike airplane, one came in with a cow. I mean talking about trying so damn hard.
Hannah Ann playing the aggressive card comparing herself to Hannah B., Savannah, another chic, blindfolded him and made out with him, like talk about super ultra tacky.
Peter immediately recognized Kelley when she came out of the limo and as you can see he gives it away, because clearly, after his ten year reunion, he asked her should we do that dance again.
Makes me wonder what else they did that night.

So while the girls are getting drunk, Hannah B. makes an appearance and while everyone is thinking she’s back to try and win Peter’s heart, she only went back to give him back his wings. A lot of insecurity was “flying” around these women which is understandable, however, none of these women know him well enough to start making claims on him.
When Peter came in to tell the women why Hannah came back, it was an emotional moment for him.
Now, not for nothing, think about this…this show was filmed three months ago, so clearly Peter has chosen someone or maybe not. To get choked up, talking about someone he fell in love with in front of a group of women who are vying for his heart, I’m not sure about his commitment level of still being in love with someone else and looking for love. It’s almost as if they will be second.
Chris Harrison drops off the first impression rose which now leaves all of these women to now try and get more time with Peter, even going as far as cutting other women off just to get more time even after having time. Some of them didn’t have a problem making out with him and even after other women seeing what he was doing, they would go behind the other bitch and make out with him.
I mean talk about yuck. Hello? Do these bitches have any kind of fucking sense?
Let me trying making out with some dude after he just had his tongue in another bitches mouth. These would be the same bitches who find orgies gross, but look how close they are to doing it.
I’m just saying.
So let’s fast forward to the first rose ceremony and who made the cut in this three hour episode:
Hannah Ann – first impression rose
Victoria P. Madison Kelley (the attorney) Lexie Savannah Lauren Tammy (clearly a nutcase) Alayah Jasmine Sydney Natasha Mykenna Deandra Sarah Alexa (esthetician) Kelsey (another one in tears losing her mind) Payton Kiara Courtney Shiann Victoria F.
Katrina (not sure who she was), seemed to have taken it pretty hard he didn’t pick her.
After the roses are given and the women who were not chosen say their goodbye’s, Peter is set to go on his first group date as they are saluting with their glasses, Hannah Ann is already making cheers and running her mouth.
So on the group date, apparently they were “training” for flight school and there was a mock turbulence “ride” where Victoria was already in her head and on her way to barfville just thinking about having to do it. So let me ask, how far would you go for a guy, including vomiting for him.
Not me.
In the quest of becoming Peter’s co-polite, they are subjected to one final game and whoever was the winner gets to fly with Peter. If only they knew how stupid they look while the wind machine blowing and of course…here we go with Shiann, crying her eyes out because she was so close to winning the contest and Tammy accusing Kelley of cheating, which she did but I will give her the benefit of the doubt, that wasn’t her intent.
I think a lot of these women have invested way too much and too early. This is only because of what they watched on television last season. So because of that, they too feel, they are at an advantage point only because of what they saw on TV.
While Kelley ended up flying away with Peter and got more one on one time with him, both Tammy and Shiann were complaining as to why it wasn’t fair Kelley cheated but yet, was called the winner in this game.
Has anyone noticed this is like the tacky part two episode of the Andy Baldwin season?
Back on the group date, when Shiann finally got her time with Peter, all she could discuss was how much she cares for him while Kelley, who already rode off the sunset and had ample time with him, disrupts the “caring” moment to have more time with Peter and whisks him away, leaving Shiann more disappointed in herself, claiming she should have told Kelley no.
In a funny “coincidence”, Kelley reminded him this was the hotel they met (wow how funny is that), and replayed the whole scene in the lobby area, dancing away and laughing about the day they met. Peter then leads Kelley to a bar area, where he sits her on the bar, opens her legs so he can make out with her
With Kelley having a target on her back, the other women are now seeing she has an advantage point of having fucked,...I mean, having met Peter a month before. So it shouldn’t have been any surprise that Kelley would have received the rose on that group date.
While he was giving Kelley the rose he said, “Kelley it was pretty special coming back where we first met where that first spark kind of happened…”
A few of the women caught on to what he said, while one girl addressed the “first spark” comment, she apparently missed the part where he said, where we first met. More will be revealed, one can only wait and wonder.
Now moving on to Peter’s one to one date.
On his one to one date with Madison, Peter took her to his parents’ renewal vows wedding ceremony and here’s the issue I have with all of this.
When ‘The Bachelor’ franchise began, to meet the family, that part was saved for the four ladies towards the ending of the season where the bachelor would decide who would be the final three, after family feedback (and even sometimes the family feedback would be horrible). He would have the opportunity for overnight dates before having to bring two home to meet his family. What is it with the sudden low level of tacky to bring someone on a one to one date and meeting the family, so early in the season, giving false hope to the girl and to the family?
What the fuck is that all about?
It’s an ineffective move on both the parts of the producers and the people who get involved with this show.
How is anyone okay with confusing the families? If Peter left his journey a week prior and the next week he’s bringing a girl on a date, clearly it’s not home town dates, wouldn’t the family be aware of this.
Also, it takes away the “specialness” of bringing home someone to their families when she may not even be the one.
Of course the funny parts of the dates is when the person gets the rose, suddenly, there’s a nameless band hiding away on a stage but everyone seems to know who they are. When the family joined in after Peter and Madison were dancing, the family reacted so excitedly to see this band playing as if they knew who they were and what they were singing.
Now come on, this is a Cuban family. Please don’t con the audience into thinking the family knows who this band is.
Moving on to the next group date, “surprise”, on the stage waiting for the ladies, Hannah B. She said her friend Peter asked her to guide the group on their task, to write their own sex stories whether it be real or fictitious, after sharing her sex story about her and Peter with the shadow of the windmill beside her. And while the girls were acting excited to see Hannah in reality, they were not.
And these dummies, on their interviews, namely dummy number one Natasha, instead of questioning why is Hannah there and what are her motives, the question anyone of them should really be asking, Peter, why did you bring Hannah back and “why do you want her here?”
As the girls of the second group date proceed with their writing and pouring their hearts out (I’m sure), one of the camera guys follows Peter, who finds a crying Hannah wondering where she went wrong and with Peter comforting her, both are sitting, questioning the whole entire process of what happened between them in her season.
So no, Miss Alayah, Peter has not closed the Hannah chapter and I’m not sure if this chapter will ever be really closed even with the ending looking like Peter doesn’t wind up with anyone.
Hannah and Peter have real unresolved luggage packed in a messy suitcase filled with an assortment of feelings. Like I said before and I’ll say it again, it was a big mistake to make Peter as the bachelor because his heart is too invested with Hannah and Hannah, whether she sees it or not, has her heart invested in Peter.

She won’t admit she made a mistake in picking Jed. Everyone can tell from last season Jed was just a lying ass only because everything he was saying, was just exactly what Hannah wanted to hear and Tyler is out fucking every pussy he can get since the show ended.
Why throw away someone like Peter who clearly has a job and was totally invested in this relationship, I will never know.
Sometimes I think it’s a variety of reasons as to why anyone picks what looks good instead of picking what feels good.
Personally, I don’t believe Peter is really ready to move on. I think he has tremendous feelings for Hannah and if he does wind up with someone, they will be short changed on getting the his full heart and a real commitment.
The best thing anyone can do for themselves, having experienced a painful ending to a relationship, is not to date anyone else for the time being.
Again, my advice and my personal thoughts. If people like to jump in and out of relationships and be on the rebound, then go for it, but at the end of the day, because of your own selfish needs, you can leave a trail of broken hearts of people who are actually ready to be in a fulfilling relationship.
And is that fair to the person who deserves to find real love with someone who’s ready to make a real commitment?
In the meantime, while Hannah is sorting out her feelings and Peter is thinking perhaps she should move into the house to see where this all goes, we are left with a cliff hanger until next Monday, when we hear Hannah’s response, finishing up the group date and getting into the second rose ceremony of the next group to go home crying their eyes out for a guy they’ve only known for a week.
Until then.
