Back at La Quinta Hotel, 16 men are feeling cheated at the fact Clare ditched them for Dale, that all changed when Tayshia walked into the room. Their frowns completely changed, with “jaws dropping to the floor”, as she walked in adorned in a gold dress, big smile and great energy.
Ivan took it upon himself to be the first to talk to Tayshia and confided to her she is “more his speed” and he’s looking forward to getting to know her.
Riley also didn’t waste any time in taking Tayshia on the side and speaking with her. The guys seemed pleased and happy with the energy she was flinging back to them.
While in the general consensus is “I like her much better than Clare”, Blake wasted no time being generally annoying asking for Tayshia to have patience with him….why?

Jason also commented on his uncertainty on whether or not he was going to stay and even though he had reservations, he seemed open to the idea of connecting with someone new.
While she was talking to Brendan, Chris Harrison interrupts them to have a “talk” with Tayshia….as I suspected through the “coming up” last week, it wouldn’t be just the 16 men Tayshia would be dating but a limo filled with new guys. It was only four bringing the 16 to 20, however, Spencer wasted no time acting like an asshole the minute he walked in the door, greeting the guys and asking them which one blew off Clare.
Here are the new guys: Spencer, Montel, Peter, Noah, who was just as equally annoying as Spencer. If it wasn’t for the “facial hair” on his face, his shortness also annoyed me. I think after my experience with ShitShow, anyone short puts me in a mindset where men like Noah will have more of a narcissistic behavior than a sincere one.

Brendan immediately expressed his disdain for Spencer who took it upon himself to be aggressive when Tayshia came to greet everyone in the room and he sashayed over whisking her away.
I was completely disturbed on how Spencer wasted no time asking Tayshia her age, calling her 29 “perfect, perfect”. What does that mean? What if she said she was 30? Would that put her in an “old” category? It was pretty clear to me that Mr. Beach guy, is all about looks and nothing more than that. Not a guy to go after at all.
I noticed how Ben was absolutely encapsulated with her and wasn’t unfazed by the fact there were four extra guys in the room.
In the meantime, Compliany Blakely is “crying” once again how he’s getting the shaft in the game called love.
Once Chris Harrison set down the first impression rose, the room becomes serious again in the hopes the rose keeps them around longer, especially for the 16 men already there. I’m sure they were feeling they should have first dibs. And quite honestly, I don’t blame them, because they were there first.
As every guy brings their ‘A’ game to impress Tayshia and giving them a better reason for staying as opposed to the other four who just walked in, a blind Tayshia sadly gave Spencer the first impression rose, leaving the rest of the guys a little more stressed than they were already.
In an unconventional move, Tay cancels the rose ceremony, giving the opportunity in getting to know the guys with group dates and one to one dates. Smart girl. But from the looks of things, seems Noah is a problem and I can see that the minute he got out from that limo.
On the first group date, Riley, Spencer, Kenny, Eazy, Zac, Jordan, Noah, Peter, Jay, Blake compete in teams playing pool basketball, with Spencer getting hurt at some point but ending being on the winning team and Blake on the losing team.
While the guys are getting ready for their group date, Jason had a conversation with Joe in regards to his presence there and whether or not he should continue. It was painfully clear, Jason isn’t ready to move on, let alone having to get to know someone new because he still has very real feelings for Clare, even though he knows she has moved on with Dale.
In the meantime, the guys are serving up Spencer all sides of his ass being he came into this house with a very presumptuous attitude as if he plans to win the whole thing.
Now you see for me, any guy who comes in like that, and asking all sorts of personal questions, as I stated before, would make me wonder what the motives are. Is he looking for a Barbie? Someone that looks good under his arm and nothing more. Imagine being in a relationship that only looks good on the outside but it’s a horror show on the inside.
Oh wait, I already lived that nightmare….
From the outside Spencer seems pretty normal but when he opens up his mouth, all the warning signs are there. This man only cares about one person, Spencer. That’s it.

I was happy to see Eazy get the rose on the group date and not Spencer.
After careful thought, Jason decided to end his journey and announced to the guys he plans to leave but not without first having a conversation with Tayshia about it first.
While Tayshia is writing in her personal journal about her group date and feeling positive about the guys, Jason knocks on the door. He didn’t waste any time in letting her know his feelings and couldn’t find a way to move on from his experience with Clare. He didn’t feel it was fair to her or to any guy in the room who were there for the right reasons (at least almost all of them minus Spencer and Noah) to let her know he plans on exiting because his heart is not present and still with Clare.
Tayshia was visibly upset and I’m glad she didn’t cry in front of him, she told him she understood where he was coming from but felt as though he wasn’t giving himself a chance or even the opportunity to open up his heart to get to know someone else.
It was pretty clear she wasn’t happy about his decision, it left her questioning if the other guys were having the same feelings. Not a great feeling to be “second best”. But Tayshia doesn’t see the way all of these guys have changed since the exit of Clare. They are robust and excited. Instead of feeling they are hanging around a couple, they are actually getting to know someone who wants to get to know them. I didn’t see that much of an excitement at all with Clare. It was like Clare was the warm up, like a concert, when you have the opening act.

On her one to one date with Brendan with Chris Harrison chasing them around offering ice cream and such, it got more real during their dinner date, when they discussed their past marriages, why they got married and how their identities got lost while in their relationships. Brendan, not realizing Tayshia was in the same position they both felt a sense of relief they have a lot more in common than they realized.
As the date came to an end, Tayshia offered Brendan the rose, and in class Bachelorette style, fireworks went off, the difference was, the guys back at the house can see it too.
It’s a covid world we live in, so the dates are a lot more intimate than they should be.
Until then. Take care of you!
