Hello everyone!
Just a short passage here for anyone who’s interested in being featured on upcoming shows for Marabelle Blue Unfiltered. All shows will be video, so if you have an issue with appearing on camera, we can consider doing a podcast.
Also, some interview topic and discussions may include others which may have different opinions and if you’re okay with this, we can do that too.
So, if you’re ready to express yourself, choose from the list below and let’s schedule an interview. All should have a social presence of history of your experience. When reaching out be sure to include links and/or any other magazines, shows or podcasts you have appeared on.
Ghost Hunters (pro or amateurs)
Are you haunted by a random purchase, i.e. dolls, dressers, items which may have been passed down to you, etc.
Are you a conspiracy theory buff? Does it have you obsessed about everything that occurs in our life?
Activist – What are your current goals and roles in your activism. How did you get involved and what accomplishments have you made?
Has social media downgraded in how we communicate? Pros and Cons.
Life Coaches and what inspired you to become one? How have you benefited from your career in helping others?
There will be more added as time goes on! And if you don’t fit into this list and have a viable topic to discuss, use the contact form here: https://www.marabelleblueunfiltered.com/about